Ramblings for a Rainy Day

Early Spring is always a hit and miss of overwhelming activity in the region. There are unlimited possibilities between orchards a bloom with cherry blossoms, local pick your own flower farms, the approaching strawberry season, and so much more. However, the weather can be as fickle as a teething toddler! You can spend your week researching and lining up the perfect weekend activities for your family, only to have the weather change on a dime! On Friday, the kids were in shorts darting around the pollen fog of the yard, and by Saturday morning, you are digging out their winter jackets again. That said, one activity that never disappoints, and still fosters the excitement of something new, is our local Farmers Market. Every Saturday, over 40 vendors are up before dawn to stake out a square for their local produces and wares! Whether fresh from the field, or crafted from tradition, these artisans of the earth bring a variety of treats and eats to our downtown to showcase and sell. Our family can always find a reason to quickly pivot from plans that may have gone awry due to weather, end of week fatigue, or just the need to decompress with a manageable but meaningful morning. The Farmers Market allows us to try new foods, curate recipes together for new culinary experiences, gift ourselves a little curio from the crafters and even enjoy a breakfast treat! While it may not be the expedition extraordinaire that we had planned, we always leave feeling connected. The routine of seeing a neighbor and catching up, or enjoying the sway of live music while sipping our barista's best concoction, we become more grounded to our locale, our community, our family in just that morning of simplicity... call it rooted if you wish. In closing, should you have to abandon the Captain's Log of schedules, your local Farmers Market can be a new excursion every weekend with a delivery of both purpose and peace for any family!